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3839 Green Industrial Way Atlanta, GA 30341
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(CT) cut out with countertop on all 4 sides. Usually cut out at install. Depending on fragility of stone, may need to be cut with the top in place on the cabinets in the home. Cut out area is considered waste and is included in the total square feet.

(F/S) 2 separate countertops on either side. Range goes all the way to the back wall. Flat polish (appliance edge) on the edge of the countertops butting up to it.

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(S/I) Countertop on 3 sides. The piece in the back is too narrow for it to be treated as a cut out and must be seamed on. This is called a stove strip. The only exception is in an island or peninsula that is larger than normal countertop depth. In that case it’s a cutout.